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每日外刊 | 0507_“杀人蜂”来袭,美国遭遇生物入侵

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2020-05-07 08:18



综合美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、路透社等多家媒体4日报道,绰号为“杀手大黄蜂”(murder hornets)的大虎头蜂已首次在美国被发现。专家们提醒民众,这种黄蜂可以致人死亡,如果发现它们应该立即跑开并进行报告。据报道,在美国,尤其是华盛顿州首次出现了这种被称为“亚洲大黄蜂”的大虎头蜂(Vespa mandarinia)。根据华盛顿州立大学专家的说法,它们身长超过2英寸(5厘米),是世界上最大的黄蜂,如果被其毒刺多次刺中,可导致人类死亡。华盛顿州立大学的昆虫学专家和养蜂人苏珊·科贝(Susan Cobey)说,这些大黄蜂仿佛是“怪物漫画里出来的东西”,长着一副桔黄色的脸。她说,这些大黄蜂最早是在去年12月被发现的。美媒提到,这些研究人员正在与华盛顿州农业部、养蜂人和民众合作来寻找并研究这些大黄蜂,并阻止其扩散。目前还不清楚这些大黄蜂最早是如何以及在哪里登陆北美的,它们有可能是随着国际货运“偷渡”,也有可能是有人故意带来的。报道介绍,这些大黄蜂生活在地下巢穴,分布于东亚和东南亚的森林和低山地区,捕食大型昆虫,包括当地的黄蜂和蜜蜂。科贝说,它们虽然一般并不与人类为敌,但如果被招惹了,就会攻击人类。它们的蜂刺巨大,蛰人后会很痛,而且带有强大的神经毒素。


Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.


'Murder hornets' in Washington state threaten bees and whip up media swarm

Researchers and citizens in Washington state are on a careful hunt for invasive “murder hornets”, after the insect made its first appearance in the US. The Asian giant hornet is the world’s largest and can kill humans. But it is most dangerous for the European honeybee, which is defenseless in the face of the hornet’s spiky mandibles, long stinger and potent venom.

Washington state verified four reports of Asian giant hornets in two north-western cities in December. The species becomes more active in April, prompting local officials to invite the public to help beekeepers by creating their own hornet traps. “It’s a shockingly large hornet,” Todd Murray, Washington State University Extension entomologist and invasive species specialist, said in a statement. “It’s a health hazard, and more importantly, a significant predator of honeybees.”

Murray said it was important for people to learn to recognize the insect now, while the population is small and still new to the region. “We need to teach people how to recognize and identify this hornet while populations are small,” he said, “so that we can eradicate it while we still have a chance.” The hornets are about the size of an adult thumb, with a yellow and orange head. They are most destructive in the late summer and early fall.

文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)

作者:Amanda Holpuch

原文标题:'Murder hornets' in Washington state threaten bees and whip up media swarm

原文发布时间:03 May 2020


早起卡 ☞ 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

翻译卡 ☞ 在华盛顿州,蜜蜂遭“杀人大黄蜂”威胁,引发媒体蜂拥围观报道


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