周曙光,男,湖南省宁乡县煤炭坝镇居民,网名佐拉,或称zuola,英文名是Zola,网络工程师,国外学者称之为民间记者,自称为非典型愤青和网络日志作者,现居台湾花莲县瑞穗村。现为长沙佐拉科技有限公司CEO,运营 https://myfavor.link 的网络书签项目。
周曙光,男,民国七十年出生,湖南宁乡人,资深独立Blogger。拥有16年年互联网观察经验,11年自媒体经营经验,9年媒体经验。2004年自学获得网络工程师资格,曾任动画公司网络管理员,为同事修电脑。自2004年5月开始在( http://www.zuola.com/ )下写日志,分享一些有用或有趣的内容,偶尔关注公共话题。 2006年回到湖南宁乡县煤炭坝镇卖菜为生。2007年参与报道重庆最牛钉子户,自此被传统媒体关注。此后曾以个人身份参与“厦门市民反PX游行” “蚁力神事件” “瓮安事件” “央视大火” “前烈宪被刺” “杭州飙车案”等重大敏感新闻事件或突发事件的报道,客串记者身份,通过社会化网络平台传播公共新闻事件而获得关注,在反对新闻审查和反对网络封锁方面富有经验,在遭遇官方封杀情况下仍然多次参与报道重要新闻,因此常被国内外媒体采访,并被当成新闻学者的研究对象,被德国之声誉为“中国第一公民记者”。先后应北京外国语大学、北京大学、天津师范大学、北京师范大学、台湾东吴大学、台湾中正大学、荷兰莱顿大学的老师和同学邀请去和新闻系的学生做交流活动,并曾在北京、广州举办过多场新媒体技术讲座。2008年11月赴德国之声的邀请去德国做国际博客大赛的中文评委时,被长沙市公民局国保支队以“可能危害国家安全”为由而限制出境。 2009年担任荷兰国际电台新闻比赛中文评委。2010年获得美国国务院“民主是什么”短文竞赛冠军。 2011年意外成为iPad遗像男风靡社交网络,2012年荣登网友自制的“活埋名单”。2012年,纽约独立电影制作人Stephen Maing跟踪拍摄其长达四年的纪录片《High Tech Low Life》在翠贝卡电影节全球首映,随后在全球多个城市的电影节播放,甚至在英国国谢菲尔德国际纪录片电影节遭中国媒体高管代表团抵制。现在移居台湾东部乡下,经营AIRBNB民宿,为杂志写专栏,偶尔为网友提供技术解决方案和培训服务。喜欢旅行,喜欢网络上好玩的应用,自称为艺术家,目前已经有多个影响广泛的行为艺术作品,如跨越长城、俯卧撑、iPad遗像。
English biography :
Zhou Shuguang, a.k.a. Zola, is a self-taught internet technologist and former network administrator who received his certification as a network engineer in 2004. Since May 2004, Zola has maintained a blog at
where he shares often useful and interesting information, occasionally focused on social issues. In 2007, Zola reported on what was being called "the most awesome nail house in history" in Chongqing, subsequently attracting the attention of traditional media. Since then, Zola has participated on the reports of various sensitive stories and breaking news events such as the "Resist P-Xylene Plant" Demonstration in Xiamen, the Yilishen scandal in Shenyang, the "Weng'an Uproar", the CCTV headquarters fire, the stabbing of a prominent blogger in Qianliexian, and the news of Hangzhou resident Tan Zhuo who was killed by a speeding sports car. By reporting on these and other events, through various social networking platforms, Zola has since received widespread international attention. He is one of the many veterans fighting the censorship of news and Internet restrictions in China. Zola has received interviews by both domestic and international media, and is the subject of much academic discussion in the area of new media. Zola has been invited to Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing University, Tianjin Normal University to exchange with journalism students. Zola continues to host seminars on new media technology in Beijing, Guangzhou and throughout mainland China. At present, Zola has been providing independent blog services and other technical training services for netizens.