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英国大家谈  ·  英国大家谈商务合作及转载须知 ·  3 天前  
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最英国  · 公众号  · 英国  · 2017-04-26 22:21







Quora 网友Farzan Safavi:

为啥稀罕中国?古老的文化啦(rich exotic ancient culture),热情好客的中国人啦(Hospitality), 海量的机会啊(tremendous amount of opportunities)……真的是数也数不清捏~(虽然数不清,但依旧忍不住列举了以下几点~)

Population - China is 1.357 Billion yet it manages to keep its stability among its citizens. That’s a pure work of Art. It feeds its people, it promotes education, it invests in its people’s future and I think the government here is doing a fantastic job of keeping the country together.

人口 中国有十几亿人,但国家照样能保证人民团结稳定,这真的是门儿艺术。养育这么多人,推广教育,投资未来建设,我觉得中国政府在保持国家团结这个工作上做的简直太棒了!

Fastest growing economy - The country was illiterate, poor and backward compared to the rest of the world up until a few decades ago, but that changed and it's changing so fast. It’s simply fascinating.

经济快速增长: 几十年前,它还贫苦落后,但中国已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。这太令人着迷了!(不信你看,有图为证↓↓↓)

Moral values - China is a collective culture, where family values, community, and everyone matters. They work hard for ultimate one goal to make the country better for the future generation. I have never seen such people so passionate and devoted to their country in the 21st century.

价值观: 中国很注重集体主义,同时家庭、社区、个人也很重要。为了让后代有更好的生活,他们努力工作。在21世纪,这份对国家的热情付出我服!

Entertainment - China offers the unlimitted amount of entertainment, leisure and numerous different activities for having fun. The nightclubs here are giants stadiums with IMAX 3D screen, they have things like escape rooms, unbelievable theme parks, outdoor natural parks and much more.

娱乐: 中国的娱乐活动简直不要太多,有IMAX 3D屏幕看台的夜店、密室逃脱、主题公园、户外公园……

Affordable high-quality life - If you’re professional expat, life in China can be rewarding. The economy is booming and there are a lot of opportunities available.

生活成本不高但生活质量高 有专业技能的歪果仁同胞们,来中国生活绝对待遇优厚:这里经济繁荣,机会敲多的哟~

People - Unconditional kindness, integration of the locals with foreigners, tolerance and acceptance and cheap travel within the country and Asia with high-speed train or affordable airfare are all many reasons why expats choose to live here.


If you’re serious about your career and would like to make an impact in the world. I believe China is a great destination. I am learning so many new things here, basically, you have the freedom in China to innovate, be articulate and design new ways of doing things.


I love China~


Quora 网友Natalie Liam:


The Food –Their foods usually lack spice (which is taken separately if needed most of the time) in order to retain the flavor of the actual meat. The variations of Chinese food are endless. Don’t be misled by the Chinese Restaurants in your country because that is definitely no match for what you will get in Mainland China.

美食: 为了保留食材的原味,中餐中添加的香料比较少(可以根据需求单独添加)。中国美食种类简直数不胜数,千万别被你们国家的中餐馆误导,那绝对和在这儿吃到的没法比。(主页君隐隐嗅到了一丝丝吃货炫耀的味道……)

Diversity – I was once like most people who have never been to China. I thought that everything in China is interchangeable. But I was amazed by how much diversity I got from one city to the next. It was quite baffling how the lifestyle and the aesthetics change.

多样性: 我以前跟大多数人一样从没来过中国。中国的多样性简直太让人震惊了,我从一座城市到另一座,他们的生活方式啊、美学啊到底是怎么改变的啊!

But all in all you just have to get there and see for yourself. I can write more, but it would not do justice to how beautiful China truly is. I hope everyone sees it that way.


Quora 网友:Ruslan Popov

You can pay with your mobile phone almost everywhere, you don’t need cash or credit card. It’s fine to leave your wallet at home if you have a phone with you.






Quora网友Adam Richards:

When you sit down in your seat and realize that you can actually move your legs, or get past your neighbor without disturbing your neighbor, you feel skinnier.

