专栏名称: 研途星辰
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跟着顶刊作图第39期 | Engineering Geology顶刊精美科研绘图赏析!视觉享受!

研途星辰  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-28 08:15


大家好,本期是 跟着顶刊作图系列第39期 ,本系列主要是学习顶刊作图思路,激发作图灵感!今天分享的是 Engineering Geology 期刊中科研图片,其 精致美观,元素搭配、字体及配色等可以重点参考! 相信我们也可以做到这样!

Title: Investigating cracking behavior of saline clayey soil under cyclic freezing-thawing effects

Fig. 1. Experimental setup.

Fig. 2. Experimental sequence.

Fig. 3. Digital image processing procedure: (a) original color image, (b) gray image, (c) binary image, (d) crack skeleton.

Fig. 4. Temporal change of (a) F-T samples weight, (b) F-T samples water content, (c) F-T samples water loss per cycle, (d) desiccation samples weight, (e)desiccation samples water content, and (f) desiccation samples water loss per cycle.

Fig. 5. Morphological details of the cracks at the end of each drying phase (a) F-T samples (b) desiccation samples (samples are left to right in order of 0 M, 1 M, 2 M,3 M).

Fig. 6. Surface observations of soil cracking with time.

Fig. 7. NaCl concentration impact on ice crystal structure and crystal size.

Fig. 8. Ice crystal structure and salt crystallization effect on the final crack pattern (a) Initial frozen sample and final crack pattern for different concentrations.

Fig. 11. Freeze-Thaw samples crack morphology quantification with time: (a) crack area, (b) crack length, (c) average crack width, and (d) fractal dimension.

Fig. 12. F-T sample of 2 M NaCl concentration with selected cycle numbers (C2–F to C4-T) illustrates the crack area reduction due to salt precipitation.

Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of freezing soil sample materials composition.

Fig. 14. Schematic diagrams of diffuse double layer and unfrozen water content (a) diffuse double layer ion distribution around the clay particle (b) Electric potential distribution with distance for different NaCl concentrations (c) The relationship between ion concentration distribution around the clay particle and unfrozen water content.

Fig. 15. Microscopic image of the surface structure after the complete weight stabilization (a) F-T samples, (b) desiccation sample.

资源来源: Investigating cracking behavior of saline clayey soil under cyclic freezing-thawing effects. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2023.107319

书籍1:《 Origin绘图深度解析:科研数据的可视化艺术


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