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北大清华讲座  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-09-03 22:25


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【Close Major-Merger Pairs Since z=1: Evolution of Merger Rate & SFR Enhancement】 2017年9月4日(周一)14:00【主讲】Cong Xu (Caltech/NAOC)【地点】清华大学蒙民伟科技大楼S727【报告摘要】I will present results on cosmic evolution of galaxy pairs based on studies of two large samples: a local sample (KPAIR, 170 pairs), and a mid-z sample (0.2 dex of 2.2+-0.2. Major mergers involving star-forming galaxies (i.e., wet and mixed mergers) have significant impact on the stellar mass assembly of massive galaxies, and are sufficiently abundant to account for the formation of massive ellipticals. Results from our FIR observations using Spitzer and Herschel revealed a puzzling difference between star-forming galaxies in mixed pairs (S+E) and in wet pairs (S+S) in the sense that, relative to single spiral galaxies, spirals paired with ellipticals show no SFR enhancement at all while spirals paired with spirals show strong enhancement. Furthermore, the SFR enhancement in S+S pairs decreases (with increasing redshift) substantially between z=0 and z=1. I will discuss some plausible interpretations for these results which may provide new clues to the still evasive theory of merger-induced starbursts.


【故宫博物院丨赵孟頫书画特展】 2017年9月5日-10月8日【简介】赵孟頫出身于宋朝宗室(宋太祖第十一世孙,宋太祖第四子秦王赵德芳后代),宋亡后,辞官返回故乡吴兴闲居。他在诗、书、画、印上皆有很高造诣。诗作有《松雪斋集》。书法上精通行书、楷体,独创“赵体”,对后代书法艺术影响很大;篆刻以“圆朱文”著称;画法上也有独创性,首次提出书画用笔相同的理论。【票价】60元【地点】故宫博物院武英殿展厅


【Large N_c limit QCD and symmetry preserving truncations for DS and BS equations】 2017年9月6日(周三)15:30【主讲】王青教授(清华大学)【地点】中国科学院理论物理研究所会议楼322(Conference Hall 322, ITP)【摘要】We develop a framework for deriving Dyson-Schwinger Equations (DSEs) and Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) in QCD at large N_c limit. The starting point is a modified form (with auxiliary fields) of QCD generating functional. This framework provides a natural order by order truncation scheme for DSEs and BSE, and the kernels of the equations up to any order are explicitly given. Chiral symmetry (at chiral limit) is preserved in any order truncation, so it exemplifies the symmetry preserving truncation scheme. It provides a method to study DSEs and BSE beyond the Rainbow-Ladder truncation, and is especially useful to study contributions from non-Abelian dynamics (those arise from gluon self-interactions). We also derive the equation for the quark-ghost scattering kernel, and discuss the Slavnov-Taylor identity connecting the quark-gluon vertex, the quark propagator and the quark-ghost scattering kernel.
