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微翻译大赛揭晓 | 做学问要先扪心自问:这门功课合我的胃口么?

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-06-18 16:28


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比如做学问全赖自己,做事业也全赖自己,与资格都无关系。一句,大部分同学都译为如“Study relays on oneself, so does business, nothing to do with qualification. ”,读起来就不那么清晰,和上文的连接也不那么紧密,如果能在“qualification”加上“university”,或者改成“university certification”就会自然顺畅很多。


The prize(prize用作形容词的时候多表示“获奖的”,用作动词时可意为珍贵、珍视) things in school are dedicated teachers and wonderful friends. In this regard, the presence of them should be the policy when it comes to choosing schools. As long as there are the two things, we should be content, in college or not. It is us, not the colleges we go in, that is responsible for the pursuit of knowledge or career.

The policy(这里说的是一种主张或看法,跟policy的意思还是稍有不同) “studying something in order to apply it” is all right. Each of us, however, differs in talents and interests. So, do not abandon what you really like for the need of the society. Any subject, so long as it(it删去更好一些) interesting and suitable, enables you to display your abilities and talents. Thus, when it comes to decide a right subject, you only need to consider one thing: Is this what I really want?


The most rare thing for us to seek knowledge is the sincere good teacher and the good friend, so a school with sincere, and love atmosphere should be the standard of choosing schools.

Thus, whether there is sincere and loving air should become the criterion when we choose a school.

So when we choose a school, we should be based on its sincerity and the air of love.

在中文中,这一句说的是“选校应该以有无诚恳、和爱的空气为准”,很多同学都是像上面的译文一样直接按照中文的原句,将“选校”(choosing schools)、“空气”(atmosphere)以及“准”(standardcriterion)都直译了出来,这样读起来就非常生硬,其实这句话是说我们选择的学校,首先是要有诚恳和爱的空气,所以译为“We should choose a school with the atmosphere of love and sincerity.”就会更为清楚。


In the school days, what we really want for is great earnest teachers and good loving friends. Thus, in the choice of a school, the atmosphere of love and sincerity they create should serve as a gauge. If the ambiance resides there, in a college or not, we will be easily satisfied to attend.(这一句结构有点散,因此可能造成表意略有歧义。) After all, knowledge, you gain on your own; career, you pursue all by yourself—it has nothing to do with the levels of your school.

“Study and apply” is not some bad word of advice per se, but you don’t want to be tuned in to the social needs at the expense of losing sight of your interests and aptitudes, in which people differ from one another. Mind you, any subject of study to which they perfectly conform will bring them into full play, and then you can be “applied” to the society accordingly. So, when it comes to what courses to take, just leave this and that aside and ask yourself this, “Am I interested at all?”


Nothing can be called for a blessing for the learner than him being surrounded by dedicated teachers and good-natured mates. Hence, whether it be a university, a school imbued with an air of dedication and goodwill is the school of his choice. The learner should bear in mind that it is competence and dedication instead of qualification that determines whether one can succeed in academic study or business undertaking.

To learn what is useful to the society is not a bad idea at all; but the learner shall not bow to social pressure at the expense of his own interests, given that people are of different interests and talents. A subject, so long as it matches the learner’s interests and competence, can fulfill him and make him an asset to the society. When it comes to selecting a course, the learner shall have nothing but one question in mind – Is it a course that suits my interests?



by Nicholas

There is nothing rarer than sincere teachers and amiable friends in our pursuit of higher education, so an atmosphere of sincerity and amiableness should be the be-all and end-all on the choice of school. And we shall rest satisfied if a school, university or not, offers such an atmosphere. Both academic and career developments depend solely on ourselves and have nothing to do with qualifications.

It does no harm to advocate "learning for practical usage" in the first place; however, given that gifts and interests differ from one person to another, we should not disregard ourselves only to answer the call of society. Any subject, so long as it matches up with our interests and gifts, is able to leverage our wisdom and talents to serve society. Therefore, when it comes to course selection, we ask no other questions but this: "Is this course right up my alley?"





