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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-22 12:07



分享者: David Allen


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David 的精神食粮


我当时在一家医药科技公司为高级管理层做培训,他们在讨论公司研发部的问题以及如何研制新产品从而获取更大的竞争力。当一名高级管理人员为在接下来的 18 个月里需要创新出的新产品数量提议了一些较有雄心的目标时,另一名高级管理人员提出了富有挑战性的问题“为什么要为研发部设置目标?这样做能创造出什么不同吗?大家的工作效率会因为一些需要生产出的数量而比以前不同吗?”


永远存在一个进退两难的困境, 不是试图设置够低的目标来显示现实化, 就是设置过高的目标从而给自己一种刺激,兴奋和挑战。

这个话题也是很多商业书籍和动力专家讨论的无底洞。 我只是想拎一下我发现的重点方面, 我本人也受用了多年:目标的价值不是他们描述的未来,而是他们当下想要培养出的现实。

我们的专注点能够改变我们的注意力。 根据我们识别到的, 引起我们注意力的事情,我们的大脑会过滤信息, 只会看到当下情况中的一件事而不是其它事情。 在一次会议中, 验光师会注意到戴眼镜的人,平权运动倡导者 会注意到群里的少数民族比例,以及室内设计师 会注意到颜色的布局。

同样的, 如果你停下脚步一分钟, 给自己机会来幻想一下 5 年后的情景, 如果你的生活能够像你想象的那样美好, 那么一个周末的下午会是怎样的? 阅读你的畅销书? 去航海?感觉放松,受到启发以及有很多空闲时间来阅读,和孩子玩耍,探索新爱好。。。?

现在想象一下 10 分钟以后会有的美好事情。你的脑中一定会产生不同的画面。

这都是幻想的练习。 它们都会给我们的大脑所有相关信息的指引。 哪个练习更好? 这要看你是否想要从把注意力放在航海上, 写书的想法上还是不同方式获得自由上。 你要的信息一直都在你周围。但是如果你没有注意它以及打开它,那么你会认为这些信息不存在。

设置长期目标的原因是允许我们看到最理想状态的远景, 从而我们能够过滤自己的洞察力。 我们需要拥有可信任的图像。我们给自己的时间越多,那么目标实现的可行性更大。未来从来不会到来 你有注意到吗? - 永远是当下!但是以工作蓝图的方式来执行会是一个非常有用的工具来看到你以前从来想不到的事情(还包括如何去做和拥有它们)。最具有创新力的公司是那些拥有大目标的公司。


The Big Secret About Goal Setting

Author: David Allen

David's Food for Thought

Goals are tools, not golden calves.

I was facilitating a senior level discussion in a medical technology company, and they were grappling with the issue of the role of R&D and how to “fill the pipeline” with new products that would keep them competitive. As one top exec proposed some aggressive goals for the number of new products created and developed within the next 18 months, another equally top exec challenged “Why set goals for R&D? What difference will it make? What will anyone do differently because some committee gave them a number like that to produce?”

It is not unusual to find many people jaded at best about the value of goal-setting, given the stress created by what are often perceived as artificial expectations decreed from on high.

There is always the dilemma of trying to set targets low enough to be realistic, but high enough to be galvanizing, exciting, and challenging.

This is a topic for endless business books and motivation pundits. I just want to highlight one perspective I’ve found very useful over the years: The value of goals is not in the future they describe, but the change in perception of reality they foster, in the present.

What we focus on changes what we notice. Our brain filters information, seeing one thing in a situation instead of something else, based on what we identify with, what we have our attention on. In one meeting optometrist’s notice who is wearing eyeglasses, affirmative action advocates notice the ratio of minorities in the group, and interior designers notice the color schemes.

Similarly, if you stop for a minute and give yourself permission to imagine five years from now, if your life could be as fabulously spectacular as you could possibly imagine, what might a weekend afternoon be like? Reading great reviews of your best-selling book? Sailing the ocean in your own boat? Feeling relaxed, inspired, and having great fun with plenty of free time to read, play with kids, explore new hobbies...?

Now imagine how good it could be ten minutes from now. Likely there will be different images that you will generate or perceive.

Both are exercises in fantasy. Each will give instructions to our mind to search for information that will be relevant to the pictures. Which is better? Depends on whether you’d like to start noticing sailing magazines, ideas for a book, or creative ways to have more discretionary time. That information is all around you, all the time. But if you’re not wired up to perceive it with a focus that opens you to it, you’ll think it doesn’t exist.
