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任博宏观论道  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2025-01-21 15:00


导读: 他是总统,也是商人,更会是演员






1、强调“美国优先”政策,一切以美国为主,即美国不再被(同盟国)利用、主权得到恢复、正义得到平衡等(we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will very simply put America first. Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced)。


2、过去八年的经历让特朗普学到了许多,这意味着特朗普2.0时代不会简单照搬其第一任期,在政策节奏与力度及在对待同盟关系及外交谈判上,特朗普将会更加成熟(Over the past eight years, I have been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history, and I’ve learned a lot along the way)。


1、提出将于就职当日签署一系列历史性的行政命令(Today, I will sign a series of historic executive orders)。第一项行政命令是关于移民的,即宣布南方边境(靠近墨西哥)进入国家紧急状态,并派遣军队到南方边境,以阻止非法移民入侵。

2、第二项行政命令是关于降低通胀水平的,即指示其所有内阁成员发挥最大能量以降低创纪录的通胀和价格。特朗普指出,通胀危机由巨大的超支和不断上涨的能源价格引起,故其做法之一是实行国家能源紧急状态,大力开采石油,并将美国能源出口至全球(I will direct all members of my Cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices. The inflation crisis was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices…America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have…export American energy all over the world)。

3、第三项行政命令是结束“绿色新政”,即撤销电动车强制令,再次推动在美国制造汽车,以保护汽车工业(we will end the Green New Deal, and we will revoke the electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto industry and keeping my sacred pledge to our great American autoworkers…We will build automobiles in America again at a rate that nobody could have dreamt possible just a few years ago)。

4、立即停止所有政府审查制度,将言论自由带回美国(I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America)。

5、在性别政策方面,明确将结束公共和私人生活中涉及到种族和性别的政府政策,并明确美国只有两种性别(男性和女性),即This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.…As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female。


1、外贸关税方面,特朗普明确要重塑并改革贸易体系以保护美国工人和家庭,由对内加税转向对外加税(I will immediately begin the overhaul of our trade system to protect American workers and families)。

其中,特朗普明确将建立对外税务局专司关税和收入(we are establishing the External Revenue Service to collect all tariffs, duties and revenues),为恢复对美国政府的信心,将成立政府效率部(To restore competence and effectiveness to our federal government, my administration will establish the brand-new Department of Government Efficiency)。

2、外交上强调自己是和平缔造者(My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier. That’s what I want to be, a peacemaker and a unifier)。

3、此次就职演讲没有提及格陵兰岛,但提到了巴拿马运河和墨西哥湾,即明确将墨西哥湾更名为美国湾(we are going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America)。

4、将美国第25任总统William McKinley的名字恢复至麦金利山(we will restore the name of a great president, William McKinley, to Mount McKinley)。

5、再次声明要夺回对巴拿马运河的控制。特朗普在提及麦金利总统时,直言其通过关税等使美国更加富有,并延伸至巴拿马运河和中国,即麦金利总统当年将巴拿马运河交还给巴拿马后美国遭受了不公正对待且中国正在运营巴拿马运河(President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and through talent. He was a natural businessman and gave Teddy Roosevelt the money for many of the great things he did, including the Panama Canal…China is operating the Panama Canal, and we didn’t give it to China, we gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back)。

William McKinley(1843-1901年)于1897年-1901年担任美国第25任总统,也是美国被刺身亡的第三位总统,其在担任总统期间主要做了三件事,一是通过增加保护性关税来减少国内税收以刺激国内工业增长,二是通过与西班牙开战而取得了对波多黎各、菲律宾和关岛的控制,三是怂恿列强对中国实行“门户开放”政策、派兵参加“八国联军”侵华战争。

二、特朗普2.0 时代将显著扰动全球



