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记忆的边缘:温特森和伍尔夫 | 三明治 × Nazli英文写作工作坊

三明治  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-25 16:38





在三明治开设过多期英文写作工作坊的土耳其作家Nazli即将回归,带来一个全新的工作坊—— “记忆的边缘:温特森和伍尔夫” 。这个为期四周的工作坊课程将特别关注记忆,通过两位作家的回忆录作品去了解记忆是如何变成文字作品的,我们应该如何书写记忆故事。



  • 记忆如何影响我们对城市的理解?

  • 记忆如何影响自我构建?

  • 记忆如何影响我们的人际关系、爱与欲望?


写回忆录有很多挑战。我们将学习如何把自己变成叙事角色,如何从生活中挑选细节来构建叙事,以及如何在过去和现在之间切换,以使用多种视角和深度思考来丰富我们的写作。 每周我们将做写作练习,帮助你完成作品的一部分,打捞起旧日的记忆,并用学习到的叙述方式来讲述它们。


记忆的边缘 工作坊亮点















  • Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

  • Jeanette Winterson, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?

  • Virginia Woolf, Granite and Rainbow

  • Virginia Woolf, Moments of Being

  • Virginia Woolf, Street Haunting and Other Essays

  • Virginia Woolf, The Death of the Moth

  • Danell Jones, The Virginia Woolf Writers’ Workshop

工作坊安排 Schedule

Week 1

Introduction to the course; How can one use memory in writing?

Beginnings Class  objective:

We will learn how to find the beginnings of our stories/memoirs, select primary and side themes that support one another in a piece  of writing, and prioritize what is important to the story/memoir vs. what is important to us.

Required reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Ch 1 The Wrong Crib

Virginia Woolf - Moments of Being, Chapter 1

Voluntary reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Chapter 1 Genesis

Virginia Woolf - Moments of Being, Chapter 2

Writing Exercise:

Sparks for Beginnings from The Virginia Woolf Writers’ Workshop by Danell Jones

Week 2:

The city; Setting description; Geographical influences—personal, cultural, historical

Class  objective:

We will learn the function of the setting and learn to use it to strengthen our narrative. Setting affects people and their behaviors, setting descriptions can be written in ways that indicate the emotional condition of the characters and the narrative. Our setting surrounds us, but we only need certain details of it in our writing. We will learn how to receive and select the essential details.

Required reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Ch 2 My Advice To Anybody Is Get Born

Virginia Woolf - “Life and the Novelist”

Voluntary reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Chapter 5 Deuteronomy Virginia Woolf - “Street Haunting”

Writing Exercise:

Sparks for Setting from The Virginia Woolf Writers’ Workshop by Danell Jones

Week 3:

Desires and Dreams vs. Mothers and Fathers

Class  objective:

We will learn how to observe the family from within and from a distance, present family members with honesty but without accusations, and see the connections between our challenges and the pursuit of our dreams.

Required reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Ch 4 The Trouble With A Book ...

Virginia Woolf - Moments of Being, Chapter 8

Voluntary reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Chapter 8 Ruth Part 1

Virginia Woolf - “Professions for Women”

Writing Exercise:

Sparks for Dialogue from The Virginia Woolf Writers’ Workshop by Danell Jones

Week 4:

Bringing together memory and reflection; Types of ending; Types of writers

Class objective:

We will learn to separate our past and present perspectives, as we are no longer the people we were in the past. The past perspective will help us recreate and describe our memories most vividly, and the present perspective will help us add meaningful reflection if and when it is needed. Our lives continue, but the memoir has to end. In this class, we’ll learn about how to end our memoirs in a way that’s in tune with the rest of the piece.

Required reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?

Ch 11 Art and Lies Virginia Woolf - Moments of Being, Chapter 10

Voluntary reading:

Jeanette Winterson - Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Chapter 8 Ruth Part 2

Virginia Woolf - “The Leaning Tower”

Writing Exercise:

Sparks for Character from The Virginia Woolf Writers’ Workshop by Danell Jones

Receiving Feedback and

starting revisions:

Throughout the fourth and fifth weeks, I will be uploading one or two pieces per day with my corrections, comments, and suggestions for the piece to reach its full potential. I recommend you to read your classmates’ pieces and my comments so that you can learn how to be a good editor. (Remember, a writer is always his or her  first editor!)  When your own piece is uploaded with comments and suggestions, make note of what you agree and disagree with and  start thinking about your revision. We’ll  then set up a one-on-one to talk about your piece. Bring your notes and questions to our one-on-one so that I can give you precisely the advice you need!


I will encourage and expect personal interpretations from all of you, which means you will have to trust yourself and give up the temptation to support your ideas with secondary sources. Just as importantly, you will listen to and work with other interpretations that may be very different from yours with maturity and respect. In my classes, all interpretations, comments, questions, and mindful musings are valid and encouraged as long as they are respectful and honest, and do not attack a person, race, or sexual orientation. We want to learn how to interpret texts in intellectual and creative ways even when the approaches may be much different than our own. I hope that the texts I provide and our reading discussions will help create the personal foundations of literary taste in each of you. When you learn to recognize good literature, you come that much closer to creating it.

Office hours:

I am always here to talk! I will be available on Wednesdays and/or any other day that might work better for you. Remember to make an appointment, and we’ll take it from there. You may use office hours to ask questions about my comments and suggestions for your writing, to ask and share questions and observations about the readings, and much more. It’s my pleasure to continue our conversation outside the virtual classroom.

导 师 介 绍

Nazli,土耳其作家,美国爱荷华大学非虚构写作项目MFA硕士毕业,曾在中国中山大学本科两年的教学经历,教授莎士比亚戏剧课、英语写作课。本科在美国Gettysburg College主修英语与创意写作,毕业后前往法国进修艺术史和油画。曾翻译出版了三部青少年作品,并志愿参与 The Iowa Review的工作。

以自由职业的身份,一边开设线上写作与阅读工作坊,一边写作。过去四年中,她开设了线上的虚构和非虚构写作课程,主题涵盖爱伦坡、博尔赫斯、契诃夫、伍尔夫,以及爱尔兰作家、五感写作、外语写作、当代短篇小说和记忆等。在写作工作坊中,她指导了超过500篇学生作品。Wechat Platform:waysofblackink。

阅读三明治过去对Nazli的采访: 土耳其、美国、中国……一个国际作家的“流浪”与学习


4.27 - 5.18

每周六晚上8点 Zoom在线授课











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