专栏名称: 环境人Environmentor
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环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-13 12:42


Doctoral researcher or junior research assistant in sustainability science

The Department of Sustainability Science at the LUT School of Energy Systems is looking for a master’s graduate or master’s thesis student for a doctoral (junior) researcher or junior research assistant position for the Circularity-integrated mining (CINTEM) research project. The final job title will depend on the candidate’s qualifications.

The main aim of the project is to transform the way mining projects and mineral deposits are considered in the design phase of projects. The project promotes a holistic view of the deposit beyond the main commodities that initially drive the exploration and project development.
The project is carried out in close collaboration with other Finnish universities, national research institutes, and companies.
The work relates to assessing the sustainability of process concepts developed during the project to identify the most important factors (hot spots) in technology development and to provide feedback for process development.

1. Junior researcher

The junior researcher must have a master’s degree (M.Sc. (Tech.)) or the equivalent in a relevant field ( e.g., environmental engineering, sustainability science, circular economy , or industrial ecology) and demonstrate the ability and motivation to complete the doctoral studies within their normative duration.

Junior researchers must submit an application for the right to complete doctoral studies , including all required appendices, to the LUT Doctoral School within the first two months of the employment relationship.

The employment relationship starts with a fixed one-year term including a six-month trial period. The contract can be extended by three years, provided that the studies and research have progressed satisfactorily in the first year.

The salary is based on the current collective agreement for Finnish universities. The starter salary is EUR 2716.03 a month.

2. Junior research assistant

Candidates at the end of their master’s studies can be considered for the position of junior research assistant to write their master’s thesis. The employment relationship is fixed-term for six months and starts with a three-month trial period.
Ideally, the junior research assistant would go on to complete doctoral studies. The duties and salary of the junior research assistant are determined based on the number of credits the applicant has accumulated by the time the employment contract is concluded (EUR 2145.30–2469.12/month).

You are expected to

  • start your doctoral studies if you are a graduate or write your master’s thesis if you are a student,
  • have completed or be completing your studies in environmental engineering or another relevant field,
  • be able to conduct life cycle assessments (LCAs),
  • work independently under the guidance provided and be an active team player,
  • be results- and research-oriented.

We also value excellent written and spoken English. The work will start as soon as possible.

What we offer

In addition to a competitive salary, the wide range of benefits that come with the job include a holiday bonus, generous annual leave, a research incentive scheme with personal rewards for high-quality publications, flexible working hours, occupational health care, a collegial working environment, and continued commitment to your support, learning, training, and development.

Job location: LUT University's Lappeenranta campus.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is 25 February 2025 at midnight, Finnish local time (UTC +2h).

Please fill out the online application form and attach the following documents in English and in PDF format:

  • a curriculum vitae
  • a copy of your master’s diploma or transcript of records; if the original documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, each document must be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or Finnish
  • a motivation letter

We will begin reviewing applications as they are received.

For further information, please contact Professor Mika Horttanainen , [email protected].

Read more about LUT as an employer and the LUT Doctoral School .

Explore information for international staff .

LUT University | Clean energy, water, and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business, and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal.
Our international community consists of over 9 000 members. Our campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. We are one of the world's top universities for climate action.

Application period starts: 2025-02-03 16:00 Application period ends: 2025-02-25 23:59


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