专栏名称: 近现代史研究资讯
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近现代史研究资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-08 08:00



本论坛旨在为各学科领域的海内外优秀青年学者搭建学术交流平台。通过主论坛专题报告会、分论坛学术研讨会和人才洽谈会等形式,围绕国际学术前沿,探讨学科热点问题,促进学术交流与合作,为我校 “卓越2025”人才引进计划 “超级博士后”计划 的实施汇聚全球英才。


复旦大学第四届光华青年学者论坛暨2019年度上海高校国际青年学者论坛定于 2019年12月26-27日 在复旦大学举行。此次论坛设置1个主论坛和27个分论坛。有关论坛详细介绍可访问网页http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/进行查看。其中数据科学分论坛定于2019年12月14日-15日举办。

现正式 接受 网上报名。

诚邀海内外 英才加盟,共创世界一流!


1. 年龄不超过40周岁(人文社科不超过45周岁);

2. 具有海内外知名大学博士学位;

3. 在所从事研究的学科领域取得一定成绩或具有良好发展潜力。


1. 年龄一般不超过35周岁;

2. 即将获得博士学位或获得博士学位一般不超过3年;

3. 海(境)外世界排名前100名高校或学科排名前100名的优秀博士/博士生;国内C9高校或教育部学科评估A+学科的优秀博士/博士生;以及其他科研成果突出的博士/博士生。

请于 2019年11月2 4 日前 登录复旦大学光华青年学者论坛网站 http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/ ,在“参会申请”栏目中按流程完成网上报名。学校对申请人进行资格审核后,于 2019年12月 4 日前 通过邮件向审核通过人员发送邀请函。


日 程 安 排

联 系 我 们


(青年人才) 任老师:021-65654795



联系邮箱: [email protected]

Introduction to Forum

Young Scholars are the future of academic research. Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars aims to create communication platforms for global young talented scholars of various research fields to discuss cutting-edge research spotlights, to resolve frontier academic problems and to enhance cooperation among distinct disciplines. The Forum also offers young scholars a taste of research environment and a package of know-how for research in China, specifically at Fudan University. It would eventually foster the “Extraordinary 2025” Elite Project and Super Postdoctoral Proposals to help attract from world-wide young researchers to work at Fudan University.

Forum Setup

Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars composes of 1 main forum and 27sub-forums , which will be held from Dec. 26 th -27 th , 2019. The Sub-Forum of Data Science will be held from Dec.14 th -15 th , 2019.

Applicat ion Requirements


1. Age below 40 (45 for Humanities and Social Science);

2. Hold PhD degree from internationally renowned universities;

3. Have remarkable achievements and great potentials in specific research area.

Super Postdoctoral Proposals

1. Age is preferred under 35 years old;

2. Ph.D. candidate or certificated Ph.D. degree within 3 years generally;

3. Outstanding Ph.D. candidate or Ph.D. holder from the top 100 universities or disciplines ranked in the top 100 worldwide (2019 U.S. News, QS, TIMES and ARWU); Outstanding Ph.D. candidate and Ph.D. holder from C9 League universities in China or from the A+ subjects of discipline assessment (2018 Ministry of Education of China); Other candidates for Ph.D. or Ph.D. holders with outstanding achievements.

Application Procedure

1. Visit http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/ and choose “Application” to complete your application online before Nov.2 4 th , 2019 .

2. Qualified applicants will receive official invitation letter via E-mail before Dec. 4 th , 2019 , to participate in the Forum.


Accommodation, meals and travel allowance will be provided by Fudan University in accordance with national conditions.

Contact us

Talent Affairs Office/Human Resources Office

(Faculties)Ms. Ren/Ms. Zhang: 021-65654795/55664593

(Super Postdoctoral Proposals) Mr. Wei: 021-65643992
