专栏名称: 51找翻译
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英国公司全球首次招募表情包翻译员-todaytranslation-Emoji Translator -地点不限

51找翻译  · 公众号  · 语言  · 2016-12-19 09:33


todaytranslation, 小编有幸在多年前成为这家公司的翻译供应商,信誉上大家可以放心,而价格呢?完全可以在 USD 0.05 per source word 以上,近期,她们的这个招募几乎引爆了全球主流媒体-全球首家成立“表情包翻译员”团队的语言服务机构,作为一个专门从事外语类专兼职招聘职位搬运工的公众号-51找翻译,今天我们不讨论如何翻译表情包,因为我们的订阅用户不乏翻译高手。而以下的几点提示,希望能够帮助到那些首次申请境外翻译府机构的小白们一点帮忙。



邮箱选择:建议选择能够突出你名字,或者职业特征的邮箱邮箱名字,尽量不要选择类似QQ邮箱,如[email protected]


你的报价:建议在USD 0.05 per source word 以上,可能会要求你报 hourly rate 等,一般是25-30 USD per hour


备注:虽然一些欧美翻译公司的单价比较高,但是在译员遴选环节非常严格,同时对最终稿件的提及质量,也均要求以成品提交,在以往的工作经历中,遇到过不少小白兼职翻译可能不止在翻译准确度上无法保证,就连行文也都非常不流利,如果以如此水平是无法胜任的。再者,服务好这些客户,兼职译者需要有很好的服务精神,包括反应速度等,毕竟也要克服时差问题。最后就是翻译费用结算,手续费不低,如果用paypal ,小额转账还可以,大额度基本也有几十甚至上百美元,而电汇则至少也需要25-40美元。

来自小编:微信:kevinssf, 外号:村长



An exciting opportunity to join the UK’s leading translation firm as our first Emoji Translator.

Today Translations is a dynamic language firm, based in the City of London, looking for the right person to help us meet the translation challenges posed by the world’s fastest-growing language.

The successful candidate will join our global network of over 3,000 linguists, with expertise in over 200 languages – as its first dedicated expert in this rapidly evolving form of international communication.

As the UK’s top translation firm, we stay constantly abreast of the latest language trends, in the service of ever-changing client needs – but feel that the accelerating pace of change in this burgeoning area now demands a specialist focus.

Emoji translation is itself an emerging field – but one dominated to date by software, which is often insensitive to the many cultural differences in usage and interpretation. We are therefore seeking an exceptional individual to provide the human touch needed where translation software is inadequate – and to help us become the go-to translation experts in this area.

In the absence of any native speakers, the successful candidate should be able to demonstrate a passion for emojis, combined with cutting-edge knowledge and awareness of areas of confusion and cultural/international differences. A practical test of emoji knowledge/skills may be given.

Responsibilities likely to include:

Client, stakeholder and internal emoji translation

Monthly reporting on emoji trends,developments, usage and areas of confusion and cultural differences

Cross-cultural research on differences in emoji usage/interpretation

Ad hoc consultancy and advice, as needed

The following skills and qualifications are desirable but not essential:

1. Bachelors Degree in Translation or 3+ years’ experience of the language industry

2. Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences, with Linguistics, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology or Communication preferred

3. Excellent communication, relationship-building and organisational skills

4. Commitment to delivering excellence

5. Self-managing with an ability to prioritise a fast-paced workload Innovative, flexible with ability to work well with others




Apply: Please send applications and/or queries to [email protected]
Emoji Translation Test: Selected candidates will be invited to take the following application test: Click here to start.



