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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-23 06:01





Going nowhere


Santiago’s transport system is sputtering


Commuters do not want to pay for bad service


Apr 12th 2017 | SANTIAGO

TRANSANTIAGO, the Chilean capital’s public-transport system, had its tenth birthday in February, but no one celebrated. Launched with much fanfare , the scheme was supposed to integrate bus and metro lines and speed up traffic. Smog-spewing yellow buses disappeared. Smart cards replaced cash.


  • Fanfare:n. 喧耀; 号角齐鸣

But Transantiago is sputtering. Fare evasion is rampant , journeys are getting slower and the state has spent billions of dollars to prop up private bus operators. Passengers sometimes wait ages at stops scrawled with graffiti with no inkling of when the next bus will arrive. (读者释义句) Espacio Público, a think-tank, calls Transantiago Chile’s worst public-policy project since the country returned to democracy in 1990.

但是,圣地亚哥通饱受争议。逃票现象很猖獗,出行速度越来越慢,同时政府已经花费数十亿美元来赞助民营公交运营商。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~) 一家名为Espacio Público的智囊团机构把圣地亚哥通称为智利自1990年恢复民主制以来最糟糕的公共决策项目。

  • Rampant 猖獗的; 蔓延的

  • Graffiti 在墙上的乱涂乱写

Despite all that, Transantiago has brought some improvements. The number of fatal accidents has dropped sharply, as has pollution from exhaust fumes. The system’s 20,000 employees are now on formal contracts and have better working conditions than before. Because bus drivers no longer handle cash, the number of robberies has fallen. Compared with transport in many other Latin American cities, Santiago’s works pretty well.


But it would be hard to persuade most commuters of that. The problems start with design. Planners laid some bus lanes directly over metro lines, so the two forms of transport compete rather than complementing each other. The city has hired too few inspectors to catch fare-dodgers and motorists who stray into bus lanes (though cameras are catching some of the errant cars). Sometimes buses are so crowded that even honest passengers have trouble reaching the card-swiper.


  • Errant 犯错误的; 行为不当的; 出格的

Increasingly, passengers are less inclined to pay. Despite the subsidies, fares have risen by 40% since 2010, far faster than most prices. Bus journeys have slowed by 8% since 2012. For some, fare-dodging is a form of protest. Guillermo Muñoz, the metropolitan area’s director of public transport, admits that in some parts of the capital the service is “very bad”. Last month Chile’s transport minister resigned, in part to take responsibility for Transantiago’s failings.

渐渐地,乘客们不太愿意付钱了。尽管有政府的补助,自2010年起公共交通的车费上涨了40%,这比其他开销上涨速度要快得多。但是,旅程时间却比2012年慢了8%。对于一些人来说,逃票就是一种抗争行为。公共交通系统的地区领导人Guillermo Muñoz承认在首都的一些地方,公共交通服务是极其糟糕的。上个月,智利的交通部长辞职,部分原因就是为圣地亚哥通的失败承担责任。

Espacio Público says one reason for the high subsidies is that too few companies operate the buses. The system began with 16 operators but dropouts and mergers have shrunk the number to seven. The largest firms operate 1,200 buses apiece. This makes them “too big to fail”, says Clemente Pérez of Espacio Público. Hence the subsidies to keep money-losing companies afloat. No company should have more than 10% of the market, Mr Pérez thinks.

Espacio Público谈到政府为公共交通提供高额补贴是因为运营公交的公司太少了。该系统原本有16家运营商,但是有些退出或者合并,现在只剩下七家。最大的公司独自运营1200辆公交,Espacio Público智囊机构的Clemente Pérez谈到,这使得这些运营商“规模太大以至于不会破产”。于是,补贴使赔钱公司继续运转。Pérez认为,任何一家公司都不应该有超过10%的市场占有率。

The city will have a chance to correct that next year, when contracts to operate bus lines are to expire. It is likely to encourage smaller and newer companies to enter the market. That might release money for improvements. The new transport minister, Paola Tapia, has created a task-force to help reduce fare-dodging and promised more money for inspectors. With luck, Transantiago could become a service that commuters are happy to pay for.

圣地亚哥明年有机会去进行改进,因为到时候与公交运营商的合同就会到期。政府很有可能让小型的新公司进入市场。这可能会让更多钱流入市场从而情况得到改善。新的交通部长Paola Tapia已经成立工作小组来协助减少逃票现象,同时承诺给检票员提高工资。如果一切顺利的话,Transantiago应该会变成一款令通勤者们愉快付钱的交通服务。

翻译 ▍ iron;我拿青春赌明天

审核 ▍审核:竞风之翼

图文编辑 ▍毛毛

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

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Passengers sometimes wait ages at stops scrawled with graffiti with no inkling of when the next bus will arrive.

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