专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-23 09:46


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,随着需求稳步回升,中国螺纹钢市场价格上涨。

China's rebar market has seen pricesrecover as demand steadily picks up, Kallanish notes.

周五下午,上海 20mm HRB400 螺纹钢价格为 3,450-3,470 / 吨( 489-492 美元 / 吨),较前一周上涨 85 / 吨。同时,上海期货交易所 2020 5 月螺纹钢主力合约收于 3,483 / 吨,较周四下跌 45 / 吨,但周环比上涨 42 / 吨。

In Shanghai on Friday afternoon, 20mmHRB400 rebar was trading at CNY 3,450-3,470/tonne ($489-492/t), up CNY 85/tfrom the previous week. On the Shanghai Futures Exchange meanwhile, the rebarcontract for May 2020 closed at CNY 3,483/t, CNY 45/t lower from Thursdaybut CNY 42/t higher week-on-week.


Spot market traders say that, as more andmore companies and construction sites resume work, steel demand isincreasing. Although prices and transaction levels fluctuated last week, thetrend of positive expectations for the domestic market has notchanged. Demand in northern China is now also expanding, resulting in areduction in new arrivals to Shanghai last week and a further easing insupply-side pressure.

钢厂也趁机上调挂牌价。华东主流钢厂中天钢铁集团宣布将 3 月下旬长材价格上调 100-150 / 吨。贸易商信心有所恢复,市场预期后续更多需求恢复将进一步提高市场价格。

Steel mills have also taken the opportunityto lift their list prices. Zenith, a major steel producer in eastern China,announced a CNY 100-150/t increase in long product prices for lateMarch. Traders’ confidence has recovered, and the market expects that thesubsequent recovery of more demand will raise market prices further.



Asia Steel Markets 2020 (已延期)

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Europe Steel Markets 2020

The 5th Annual Kallanish Europe Steel Markets 2020 event will be held in Milan, Italy on the 4-5 June.
