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1997‒2021 年中国教育旅游资源时空演变格局及影响因素研究

中国地理资源期刊网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-31 17:33


Spatial-temporal Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors of Educational Tourism Resources in China from 1997 to 2021

ZHU Lei, HU Jing, XU Jiahui, LI Yannan

1997‒2021 年中国教育旅游资源时空演变格局及影响因素研究

朱   磊,胡   静,徐佳慧

DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2024.03.021


This study systematically explored the spatial evolution characteristics and influencing factors of China's educational tourism resources using a system of spatial analysis techniques. The results show that educational tourism resources can be divided into four types: historical sites, museums, science museums and technology venues, former residences of celebrities, and cultural and educational venues. Among them, former residences of celebrities account for the highest proportion at about 35%, while museums, science museums and technology venues account for the lowest proportion at only about 15%. Educational tourism resources present a condensed distribution trend, forming a “dual-core structure” with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangtze River Delta urban ag glomeration as high-density cores. The probability distribution of educational tourism resources is spatially uneven, with distinct fractal characteristics. Hot spots gradually spread from the Yangtze River Delta to the western provinces, and the number of hot spots is increasing. Cold spots are mainly distributed in the southwest of China, and the number remains unchanged, while the phenomenon of polarization is becoming increasingly more prominent. The main factors affecting the distribution of educational tourism resources are as follows, listed in order of their intensity of influence: policy orientation > traffic conditions > tourism resource endowment > source market > social and cultural factors > natural factors. The findings will help in the high-quality development of China’s educational tourism.

摘 要

运用空间分析技术系统地探讨了中国教育旅游资源的空间演化特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)教育旅游资源可分为历史遗迹、文博科技场馆、名人故居和文化教育场所四种类型,其中名人故居类所占比例最高,约为 35%,文博科技场馆类所占比例最低,仅为 15%左右。(2)教育旅游资源呈现凝聚型分布趋势,形成了以京津冀、长三角城市群为高密度核心的“双核结构“。(3)教育旅游资源在空间上呈现不等概率分布,分形特征明显。热点区呈现出从长三角地区逐渐向西部省份扩散,且数量不断增加,冷点区主要分布在我国的西南部地区,数量维持不变,两级分化现象愈发明显。(4)影响教育旅游资源分布的主要因素依次为:政策导向>交通条件>旅游资源禀赋>客源市场>社会文化因素>自然因素。研究结果将有助于中国教育旅游的高质量发展。

Citation: ZHU Lei, HU Jing, XU Jiahui, et al. 2024. Spatial-temporal Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors of Educational Tourism Resources in China from 1997 to 2021. Journal of Resources and Ecology , 15(2): 754–768.
