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What is the best random conversation you overheard?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-08-02 14:22


What is the best random conversation you overheard?

Jennifer Warner, Director of Matchmaking | President

Updated Jul 20

116.1k Views · 11.9k Upvotes

Changing in the Nordstorm dressing room in Stanford Shopping Center, when I hear the girl next to me crying.

Me: “Do you need any help?”

Lady in the stall: “I can’t get out of this dress. Will you do me a favor and track down my boyfriend? He is supposed to be waiting for me outside the dressing room.”

The boyfriend was easy to find because he was the only guy standing there. He entered the dressing room with her and she explained how sorry she is for gaining weight and how terrible she feels because the dress is too small for her and all her clothing feels so tight. Nothing seems to fit!

I returned to my stall to finish trying on the rest of my selected dresses.

During that time, I heard him tell her that he thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He continued on letting her know that he loves every curve of her body and that he hasn’t even noticed any weight gain at all. He said that he will prove his love.

I couldn’t see them but it sounded like he got down on one knee and said “Sweet beautiful love of mine; will you let me love every inch of you until the day that I die? I know I don’t have a ring, but we can go pick one together, right now. I have been dying to ask you? What do you think?

The girl bursted into laughter. He says “what is it? Why are you laughing?”

Lady in the stall: “I tried on juniors sizes.”


Lady in the stall: “oh and yes of course I will marry you! But you are going to have to do the whole knee thing again one more time when we have the ring, ok?”



  • Matchmaking Services: 婚介服务、红娘服务;


  • any small room or compartment, usu for one person 小房间、小隔间(通常指供单人使用的): stalls for changing in at the swimming-pool 游泳池的更衣间。

track downtrack sb./sth. down: find sb./sth. by searching 经追踪或搜索而发现某人[某物]: track down an animal (to its lair) 追踪(至窝穴)发现一动物。

obsess:[usu passive通常为被动语态] fill the mind of (sb) continually 使(某人)牵挂、惦念、 着迷或困扰: obsessed by/with the fear of unemployment 老是害怕失业。

  • obsession

    • state of being obsessed 牵挂、惦念、着迷、困扰: His obsession with computers began six months ago. 他半年前就迷上了计算机了。

    • thing or person that obsesses; fixed idea that fills the mind 萦绕於心的事物或人、强迫观念: He has many obsessions. 他有许多事耿耿於怀。

  • obsessional:(derog 贬) of, having or causing obsession(s) 困扰於心的、着迷的、引起执着想法的: obsessional thoughts 令人困扰的想法;

  • obsessive

    • adj. (derog 贬) of or having an obsession 萦绕於心的、有执着想法的: an obsessive concern for neatness 好整洁癖;

    • (medical 医) person who has an obsession or obsessions 强迫(观念)症患者;

scrutiny:(instance of) careful and thorough examination 仔细而彻底的检查: a close scrutiny of the election results 彻底检查选举结果;

devout:sincere; deeply felt 诚挚的、真诚的、衷心的、发自内心的: a devout hope, wish, etc 衷心的希望、祝愿等;sincerely religious; pious 虔信宗教的、虔诚的;


Thea Cecilia

        This may as well be a made up story, it's almost too good to be true, though I've seen crazier shit happening. However it proves a point. Women are obsessing about how they look, because they fear they would lose the love of their SO. However when someone has a full meltdown in front of her boyfriend and puts her biggest fears and insecurities on the table for close scrutiny, that's a sign she is completly trusting him and is very secure in her relationship. The happy ending might be cheesy or madeup, STILL only when a man is completely devouted to a woman will get the best of her, I promise you that.