专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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林小奇笔记  ·  不要慌,仓位才是决定胜负的关键 ·  3 天前  
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老张投资笔记  ·  亏钱不是什么坏事,就怕一开始就赚钱 ·  5 天前  
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投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-26 22:34


第十六章 杰西·利弗莫尔此人

The Man They Called J.L

As the plump aluminum bird curved westward toward Fort Lauderdale, the luminescent color delineation between the Gulf Stream and the ocean was outstanding. I slumped back in my seat while the jumbo began its final approach, reflecting on the main reason for my Florida fishing trip this Christmas vacation. I felt a compelling fellowship for a man they called J. L., and I was here because he used to come here.


I could picture him in his heyday in the 1920s, tall, trim, and intense, seated by the window of the speeding New York-Florida express. Anticipating days of fishing and fellowship, relaxation and contemplation - and most important a respite, albeit brief, from his heroic battles in the arenas of Wall Street and Chicago. His name was Jesse Lauriston Livermore.


Throughout this century, scores of brilliant or lucky market operators have had the heady and envious sensation of closing a position with a seven-figure (to the left of the decimal point) profit. I myself, on a few rare occasions, have been fortunate enough to have been included in this exclusive group. But Livermore was in a class by himself. For the sheer scope and magnitude of his gutsy operations, for the disciplined and calculating way in which he bought and sold, for the lonely and detached hand that he invariably played, he has never been surpassed by any operator.


He was born in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, in 1877, the sole child of a poor farming couple. At age 14 he left home for a job; he earned $3 a week as a board marker at a Boston brokerage office. From this modest start, and continuing through several years of apprenticeship trading odd lots at sundry bucket shops along the East Coast, this quiet, dedicated young man became one of the most feared and admired market operators during the first third of this century.


Livermore’s universe was price fluctuations-both stock and commodity-and his obsession, the accurate projection of those prices. In fact, Edward J. Dies, one of the great financial commentators of that era, observed that, “should Livermore be shorn of every dollar, given a small brokerage credit, and locked in a room with tickers and phones, within a few active market months, he would reemerge with a new fortune.”


From my earliest Wall Street days, starting in 1959, Livermore was my hero. And as I began developing some expertise in price analysis and trading, he became my coach and mentor in absentia. Like many investors, I've been influenced by his tactics, strategy and market philosophy.


“There is only one side of the market, and it is not the bull side or the bear side,” he wrote, “but the right side” (Edwin Lefevre, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Greenville ers Press, 1923, republished 1985.)). That basic philosophy is indelibly etched in my mind, and I revert to it every time I read some lofty or tedious market analysis excessively focused on contentious argument rather than on practical market analysis and strategy.


Like most traders, I frequently face the decision of which positions to stick with and which to close out. And here, Livermore provides excellent, pinpoint counsel through a commentary describing his own mistakes. “I did precisely the wrong thing,” he wrote. “The cotton showed me a loss and I kept it. The wheat showed me a profit and I sold it out. Of all the speculative blunders, there are few greater than trying to average a losing game. Always sell (close out) what shows you a loss and keep what shows you a profit.” (Et tu, Livermore?)


However, Livermore’s most significant legacy to investors concerns an overall strategy regarding investment objectives. It is particularly relevant during these times when traders are becoming increasingly dependent on powerful microcomputers and associated software. Even relatively inexperienced traders are swinging in and out of sizable positions on the basis of tick-by-tick and on-line, short-term computerized chart presentations.


Pay heed to this piece of Livermore wisdom:


After spending many years on Wall Street, and after making and losing millions of dollars, I want to tell you this. It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight. It is no trick at all to be right on the market. You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and lots of early bears in bear markets. I have known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying or selling when prices were at the very level which should have made the greatest profit. And, their experience invariably matched mine. That is, they made no real money out of it. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. I found it one of the hardest things to learn. But it is only after a market operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money. It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade, than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.


But perhaps the most significant of Livermore’s considerable wisdom was contained in this quote (I have always felt that he wasn’t just referring to market operations here-perhaps this is also a universal strategy for dealing in the game of life). “Losing money is the least of my troubles. A loss never bothers me after I take it. But being wrong - not taking the loss - that is what does the damage to the pocketbook and to the soul.


Regrettably, my Florida fishing trip was much too short, and, about a week later, I was back in the frozen canyons of New York. While waiting for the big ones to affix themselves to my hook, I thought a lot about Livermore and his Florida fishing junkets, about his strategy and his considerable market wisdom. And, while his catch was undoubtedly more bountiful than my modest bunch of kingfish, I reveled in one advantage he couldn’t possibly have had-I was able to study and enjoy his books and writings.

























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